Sowing into others allows them to reap!
Your purchases not only support our "Yellow House" residential recovery program and safe homes, but helps provide our daughters the opportunity to learn life skills revealing their God given abilities, as well as offers them employment in a drug free workplace.

RECLAIMED Home Furnishings
We will carry a mix of new and renewed pieces that reveal character and purpose.
Our daughters will partner to create their own unique personal treasures that will display the work that has been accomplished within them.
They will take old unused, un-purposed pieces of furniture and decor items making them new and purposeful to be enjoyed for generations to come.
We all have been or are going through a restoration process of the stripping away the old and becoming something new and improved. We each have a redemptive story to tell and our women hope to use this work to share theirs.
Each daughter will tag their piece with the revelation they received during their time with our Creator.
It is important to us that our buyers know their purchase was hand crafted by a daughter that has been rescued from much and now wants to invested much. Only she can give it one of a kind value.

There is no better place to find your Beloved identity than in the original intended place of communion, The Garden.
We want to draw you and your friends into a place with our Creator where you can explore His nature in the cool of the day. We are called to tend to the land which we have been given. Therefore, we have picked and pulled items that will inspire you to dig. We want to prepare the way to your personal Eden.
We will also encourage you by pulling from our very own garden at "The Yellow House", to produce hope within you for the promise in the land.

GIFTS of "Hidden Treasures"
There is no greater gift than the gift of giving. Therefore, we have made it our personal pursuit to find unique prophetic gifts that speak volume and lift your body, soul and spirit.
Some are recreated by the hands of our daughters in our local community and others purchased brand new with a repurposed or organic look.
You never know what you are going to find; from accessories, and clothing, to self care products, or inspirational gifts.
When we are lead by the Holy Spirit we are sure to be nurtured and comforted by the God winks we find along the way.
Happy Hunting!
Covering Community
BeGenerous Inc
BeGenerous Inc is the umbrella and 501c3 that has been established and operating for over 13 years aiding and assisting our community. Go to the website Here